When you own a car, one of your responsibilities will be to purchase auto insurance. There are many different options to choose when buying an auto insurance policy. If you’re in the Omaha, NE, area, we invite you to bring your questions to our Ed Thompson Insurance Agency team. We’ve been providing service for clients in your area since 2001.
Understanding the SR-22 Form
If you live in Nebraska, and your driver’s license is suspended or revoked due to a court action, you must still prove that any vehicles on your property are currently insured. This requirement refers to cars, motorcycles, trucks, or vans. To confirm that you have the required insurance, you must complete an SR-22 form. The SR-22 is the only form the State of Nebraska will accept as proof of insurance.
According to the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles, it’s your responsibility to notify your insurance company that you need an SR-22 form. Once you complete the form, it must be mailed or delivered in person to the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles. The DMV doesn’t accept photocopies or faxed copies of an SR-22 form. To make the form official, it must be signed by an insurance company official whose signature is authorized by the DMV.
Contact Us Today for Your Appointment
Each member of our team at The Ed Thompson Insurance Agency is dedicated to helping you find the best policy for your needs at an affordable price. Clients who live near Omaha, NE, will find our agents knowledgeable and responsive to their questions. We will review various insurance policies with you to ensure you know all your options. Call us for an appointment today so we can assist you with your insurance needs.