Three Optional Auto Policy Coverage Types Available in Nebraska

At Ed Thompson Insurance Agency, we serve Omaha, NE residents with customizable auto insurance that protects their financial security while they drive on city streets and country roads. Nebraska lets its drivers include options in their auto insurance policies that some states don’t offer, and today’s blog introduces our readers to those options.

Nebraska Auto Insurance Options 

Nebraska ranks among the states that allow policyholders to add coverage beyond liability, comprehensive, and collision. These coverage types can help you build a strong full-coverage auto policy. Still, the government allows three optional insurance coverage types to help policyholders round out their auto coverage in our fine state. Consider these options: 

  • Medical Payments/Medical Benefits: This coverage pays for your medical bills regardless of who caused an accident, including single-vehicle accidents.
  • Loan/Lease Payoff, or gap coverage: This pays for your loan or leases if you total your vehicle before paying it off.
  • Rental Car Reimbursement: This reimburses you when you need to rent a vehicle because yours got damaged in an accident. 

Whether you carry the state minimum or full coverage, you qualify to add these three optional coverage types to your policy.

Contact Our Insurance Agency Today 

Call or email Ed Thompson Insurance Agency to create a custom auto insurance policy that protects your financial security and adds convenience to your policy. Don’t leave your Omaha, NE driveway without proper insurance coverage. Let us help you create an auto insurance policy that provides for all your automotive needs. If you moved here from a state that didn’t offer medical payment coverage, grab your chance to enjoy this helpful backup to health insurance.