Having auto insurance is required for all vehicles in Nebraska. This coverage protects you in a number of ways that are each important. When you get your insurance policy, there are certain types of coverage that are required, and there are other types that are helpful but optional. When you need auto insurance, call us at Ed Thompson Insurance Agency in Omaha, NE.
Required Auto Insurance
Liability Auto Coverage
Most of the types of coverage required in Nebraska are for liability. These pay for the damages to someone else rather than to you or your driver. When you have a vehicle in the state, it’s required to have an amount of coverage that is for bodily injury liability for one person who is injured in an accident that is your fault. There is then a larger amount of coverage required for all of the people in the accident who are injured. Then, there is property damage liability with pays for damages done to the property of others.
Uninsured and Underinsured Motorists
Separate coverage amounts are required for both uninsured motorist coverage and underinsured motorist coverage. These types provide coverage when you are hit by a motorist who has no insurance or has too little. This coverage is also important in case you get hit by a hit-and-run driver.
Other Coverage
While it isn’t required, it’s often recommended for drivers to have collision coverage as well. This type pays for the damage that is done to your own vehicle if you were at fault for an accident. Comprehensive coverage is a type that pays for risks to your vehicle when it isn’t being driven.
Get Your Auto Coverage
When you need an auto policy in Nebraska, we can help. Give us a call today at Ed Thompson Insurance Agency in Omaha, NE to find out more and to get started.