If you want to buy auto insurance, you need to understand the different kinds of coverage available. Different types of auto insurance can protect you and your car. The agents at Ed Thompson Insurance Agency have put together crucial information on the types of coverage available in Omaha, NE.
Types of Auto Insurance Coverage
Liability Coverage
Liability coverage is a legal requirement in most states to drive a car. It can help pay for injuries and property damage that you cause to others in a covered accident.
Collision and Comprehensive Insurance
Collision insurance can help cover the cost of repairing or replacing your car if it is damaged in an accident with another vehicle. Comprehensive insurance can offer extra protection in case of an accident with another vehicle. It can also help pay for damage to your car from things like vandalism, weather events, or animal collisions.
Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist Insurance
Uninsured motorist insurance pays for bodily injury and damage to you or your car, respectively. Uninsured motorist coverage kicks in if the at-fault driver doesn’t have insurance or leaves the accident scene (hit and run). This coverage is often combined with underinsured motorist insurance, which kicks in if the at-fault driver’s insurance won’t cover all your expenses.
Medical Payments Coverage
Medical bills after an accident can be very high, so this coverage can help pay for medical expenses related to a covered accident. It covers you in all accidents, no matter who is at fault.
Towing and Rental Reimbursement
If you have comprehensive car insurance, you can add towing and rental reimbursement to your policy. These coverage types will pay for a tow within the limits set in the policy. Getting around after an accident can be costly. Rental reimbursement insurance can help pay for a rental car while your car is being repaired after an accident.
Reach Out To Us
Contact Ed Thompson Insurance Agency in Omaha, NE to set up an appointment for a free quote!